Liquid Fish 2-5-0.2
Liquid Fish 2-5-0.2
Liquid Fish 2-5-0.2 is fresh water fish. It's made by grinding the fish scraps, including the head, the guts, and everything else in there. They then acidify it with some phosphoric acid. The enzymes from the fish guts are what digest and break down this fish. They let it sit for a couple of months while it's digesting and breaking down. So the real nice thing about this fish is that it yields a good level of calcium and phosphorus and a lot of colloidal trace minerals coming right out of the bone. It's an excellent fish for the calcium and the phosphorus. There's about a 1% calcium content and about half the phosphorus in the analysis (a total of 5) is derived from the breakdown of bones, the other half is from the addition of the phosphoric acid.
We find this to be a very good fish to be used for soils that are short on soluble or available phosphates. This can be a very quick and immediate boost. It really can push the energy of the soil up. This fish could also be used as a foliar spray because of the phosphoric acid. And in foliar spraying we would probably put about 2 quarts up to a gallon per acre.
Typical rates for very low phosphorus organic soils would be somewhere around 30-50 gallons an acre. That'll give a very nicel level of available phosphorus for the growing season. It will also supply acidity because this product has a pH of about 3.5. It provides acidity to breakdown and acidify the limestone and soft rock phosphate that could very well be included with this fish as part of the program. This is a soluble portion that helps to make the soft rock phosphate more available. So they work together.
We use this fish primarily in organics on low phosphate soil. And we would use a 5-1-1 fish more frequently in organics on a nitrogen-loving crop like corn. And a lot of times we'll use the 2-5-0.2 liquid fish on the organic soils in things like beans or pasture production where you need to get your phosphates up. That's primarily where we're using this fish.
It comes in bulk semi loads, about 5,000 gallons (or a little over) per bulk tanker. Or it could be purchased in smaller quantities in totes or semi loads of totes. The best pricing is definitely going to come by full semi loads, whether in totes or in tanker.
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800 W. Lake Ave.
PO Box 788
Fairmont, Minnesota 56031